Friday, 15 February 2013

Little Hacks for SharePoint - 2013 Part 1

Enable Breadcrumb for SharePoint - 2013

Breadcrumb in SharePoint - 2013 is not visible by default. To enable breadcrumb for SharePoint - 2013, follow these steps:
1. Open your site in SharePoint Designer.
2. Open the master page being used at your site.
3. Create a copy of your master page.
4. Edit newly created master page.
5. Search for ID "GlobalBreadCrumbNavPopout"
6. In the SharePoint:PopMenu tag, either remove "Visible" attribute or change "Visible" value to true.
7. Then look for class "ms-breadcrumb-dropdownBox", there will be an attribue of display which is set to none by default. Remove this display attribute.
8. Save the master page file.
9.Right click on newly created master page which you just have modified, and click "Set as default master page", and you are done.

Open your sharepoint site, and it should not show "Navigation Up" at your site.


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Ovais,
      I am using oslo.master as my default master page. I am not able find this tag with on my master page. What is alternative to this. Please let me know. If you can response to me. My email id is

      Thanks for sharing this information.

    2. Hi Suhil,
      Have you tried to add code snippet in your master page?

    3. Hi Ovais

      Which snippet do you want us to add and where exactly?

  2. Hi, Ovais Khatri
    I have done as you mentioned but it does not change, I have crated new master page, and change it and save...

    But it is still tha same, no changing, I work on ShartePoint Online 2013

    Please help, Thank you...


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